Liming Enhances Water Quality & Fish Production!
Liming ponds is an essential component to effective pond management. Most ponds in the southeast require the application of agricultural limestone in order to enhance water quality as well as maximize fish growth and production.
Liming Rates Range From 4-6 Tons/Acre
Or More, Every Few Years.
Southeastern Pond Management can test water to monitor pond alkalinity to determine when and at what rate liming is necessary. Proper liming technique is quite simple: evenly distribute the material over the entire pond bottom. For existing waters, lime must be applied from a boat. Our specialized liming barges are designed to quickly and effectively apply agricultural limestone into ponds.
Most Soils In Our Region Are Extremely Acidic
As a result, the water in our lakes and ponds is acidic…and lacks natural alkalinity. Alkalinity is an important component to fertility…fertility, to large extent, determines fish production.
Let Us Check Your Water
We can determine whether or not you need lime by conducting a simple, free of charge, water test. Just give us a call or send us an email!
Application Rate And Application Method
The rate and method of application are truly paramount to the success of your liming program. Depending on the localized soil conditions, liming rates of 6-8 tons per acre are not uncommon. In addition, the crushed limestone MUST be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pond, so that it settles evenly on the bottom.
Added benefit...
The improvement in basic water chemistry associated with proper liming not only directly benefits the fish, but also helps to enhance the overall aesthetic quality of the water, frequently leading to less suspended solids and turbidity (dirty water).
Most Soils In Our Region Are Extremely Acidic
As a result, the water in our lakes and ponds is acidic…and lacks natural alkalinity. Alkalinity is an important component to fertility…fertility, to large extent, determines fish production.
Let Us Check Your Water
We can determine whether or not you need lime by conducting a simple, free of charge, water test. Just give us a call or send us an email!
Application Rate And Application Method
The rate and method of application are truly paramount to the success of your liming program. Depending on the localized soil conditions, liming rates of 6-8 tons per acre are not uncommon. In addition, the crushed limestone MUST be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pond, so that it settles evenly on the bottom.
Added benefit...
The improvement in basic water chemistry associated with proper liming not only directly benefits the fish, but also helps to enhance the overall aesthetic quality of the water, frequently leading to less suspended solids and turbidity (dirty water).
Why Let Southeastern Pond Management Handle Your Liming Needs?
Experience: We Have Limed Hundreds Of Lakes Over The Years.
We understand that every lake or pond is different from the next. Our equipment is dependable, state-of-the art and time tested. Effective liming requires the even distribution of the material over the entire lake bottom. In order to be effective, proper equipment is a necessity.
Turn-Key Pricing
Liming breaks down into purchase & delivery of material, loader/operator (loading the material onto the barge), and the actual application (distribution of lime into the lake). We are pleased to share our supplier relationships with our clients, at little or no mark-up. We can handle ALL phases of your liming operation.
Neat, Clean And Professional
Liming can be messy business…especially the primary loading zone areas. We take pride and care in leaving your property better than we found it. Loading zones are cleaned up, seeded and mulched to appear as if we were never there!
Follow-Up Is A Key Component
Liming is not a one-time activity. Typically, we recommend an application rate that we feel will last a minimum of 3-4 years. Annual water testing is the key to determining when you need lime again. Once we lime your lake or pond, we will visit annually and test the water…all free of charge!
Why Let Southeastern Pond Management Handle Your Liming Needs?
Experience: We Have Limed Hundreds Of Lakes Over The Years.
We understand that every lake or pond is different from the next. Our equipment is dependable, state-of-the art and time tested. Effective liming requires the even distribution of the material over the entire lake bottom. In order to be effective, proper equipment is a necessity.
Neat, Clean And Professional
Liming can be messy business…especially the primary loading zone areas. We take pride and care in leaving your property better than we found it. Loading zones are cleaned up, seeded and mulched to appear as if we were never there!
Turn-Key Pricing
Liming breaks down into purchase & delivery of material, loader/operator (loading the material onto the barge), and the actual application (distribution of lime into the lake). We are pleased to share our supplier relationships with our clients, at little or no mark-up. We can handle ALL phases of your liming operation.
Follow-Up Is A Key Component
Liming is not a one-time activity. Typically, we recommend an application rate that we feel will last a minimum of 3-4 years. Annual water testing is the key to determining when you need lime again. Once we lime your lake or pond, we will visit annually and test the water…all free of charge!