New Pond Fish Stocking


We Offer Expert Services For Initial And Supplemental Fish Stocking

We supply the highest quality, genetically improved fingerling bluegill, shellcracker, and largemouth bass, for stocking new ponds. Generally, ponds which are roughly 25 percent full are suitable for stocking.

New Pond Stocking

When you're fishing, patience pays off. The same is true in pond stocking. We supply the highest quality, genetically improved fingerling bluegill (northern and coppernose), shellcracker, and largemouth bass (Northern, Florida, and F1), for stocking new ponds. Where "trophy" bass production is the goal, we offer a number of other species including threadfin shad, gizzard shad, tilapia, crawfish, and golden shiners. Forage species (bluegill, shellcracker, and fat head minnows) are always introduced first; these are typically stocked between the months of (October - April). Largemouth bass fingerlings are stocked in the summer, following the introduction of the forage. Prior to stocking a new pond, you should be certain that any standing water is free of undesirable "wild" fish. In some cases, a fish toxicant, called rotenone, must be applied. Generally, ponds which are roughly 25 percent full are suitable for stocking.

Why let Southeastern Pond Management handle your fish stocking needs?


Stocking fingerling fish can be tricky. Let us insure that the fish stocked into your pond or lake are robust and healthy. Our fish stocks are the finest in the industry. We stock only pure coppernose bluegill and the finest genetically improved F1 largemouth bass.

Turn-key Pricing

We will gladly develop a Stocking Proposal, customized to your pond or lake and your management objectives. We will summarize your options in a comprehensive written proposal, including pricing.

Customized stocking plans for "trophy" fish production

We routinely customize stocking strategies to meet production goals. Interested in trophy bass production? Giant bluegill? Give us a call!

Follow-up is a key component

Let us get you started on the right foot. Typically, forage (fathead minnows, bluegill, shellcracker, etc…) are stocked first, the bass are added later. Turn your project over to us and we will handle everything!

Why let Southeastern Pond Management handle your fish stocking needs?


Stocking fingerling fish can be tricky. Let us insure that the fish stocked into your pond or lake are robust and healthy. Our fish stocks are the finest in the industry. We stock only pure coppernose bluegill and the finest genetically improved F1 largemouth bass.

Customized stocking plans for "trophy" fish production

We routinely customize stocking strategies to meet production goals. Interested in trophy bass production? Giant bluegill? Give us a call!

Turn-key pricing

We will gladly develop a Stocking Proposal, customized to your pond or lake and your management objectives. We will summarize your options in a comprehensive written proposal, including pricing.

Follow-up is a key component

Let us get you started on the right foot. Typically, forage (fathead minnows, bluegill, shellcracker, etc…) are stocked first, the bass are added later. Turn your project over to us and we will handle everything!

Schedule An Obligation-Free Consultation Today!

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